Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It was brought to this writer's attention that he had confused 2 pieces of legislation in a previous posting.  I am happy to report the correction, as I endeavor to keep these postings above reproach.
I am also pleased to make this correction because it once again highlights 2 very important issues:
Mountain Top Removal (MTR) coal mining, and a direct assault on our Private Property rights.

HR 2169, the Clean Water Protection Act, was introduced to stop "valleyfill" of mining waste.  Good bill.

HR 2421, the Clean Water Restoration Act, redefines "waters of the United States" and could result in the loss of all private property rights, as well as personage.  Bad bill.

Please forgive any confusion my confusion may have caused!


JW said...

Thanks for the correction Rob. Well played sir.

Also, if you are in Atlanta, Congressman John Lewis is already signed on to cosponsor the Clean Water Protection Act this Congress, but Congressman Johnson (a previous co-sponsor) and Congressman Scott have not yet signed on to support the Clean Water Protection Act.

If folks have a moment to call their offices tomorrow, please ask Congressman Hank Johnson and Congressman David Scott to cosponsor the Clean Water Protection Act.

The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121.


Rob Miller said...

Faithfull- do you have a link to the current bill?