Saturday, February 7, 2009

Annual Well Inspections

Imagine if the only service you ever had done to your car was to have an emissions inspection. No oil change, no tune up, nothing. Many folks send in a water sample from their tap to a Government agency to be tested for impurities. This is certainly better than nothing, but there are more parts to a well than just the water, and they need maintenance and inspection too!

Well ownership can give homeowners access to the highest quality drinking water available, but also comes with the responsibility of keeping the water well in good working order. A properly constructed and maintained household-supply well will provide you with many years of quality service. The National Ground Water Association recommends routine annual maintenance checks to ensure the proper operation of the well and prolong its years of service, as well as monitor the water quality.

Look at this helpful link to learn more about having your well inspected.

Why wait for an out-of-water service call? Winter is a great time to have your well inspected! You are reading this note so it's fresh on your mind. It's a new year. Your drilling contractor may not have a huge backlog of jobs right now, so they'll be thankful for the work. Most importantly, you'll be able to rest assured that, when the summer comes and things do pick up- your well will have been shown to be ready!

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