Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SPIN CYCLE~ sand separators

Part 2 in a series on water filtration

Sometimes, wells have a lot of sediment and sand.  This material can really cause problems in a water system, and occasionally, cartridge filters just aren't sufficient to do the job.

In those cases, we will often install a sand separator, like the ones pictured in the photo.  
These filters literally spin the sand out of the water:

First,  unfiltered water is drawn through a side inlet, where it begins spinning down an inner chamber, creating a sort of vortex.  This spinning action causes the sand, which is heavier than water, to separate out of the central column of water.  The clean water is then pulled out of the center of the inner chamber, and sand falls out of the unit.

These filters do not address solutes or chemical contaminants in the water, only particles- and even then, not all of the particles.  Most systems require additional cartridge filters to remove smaller particles from the the client's water before it enters their water system, but these separators are a terrific first-line against particulates.  The thing that makes this filtration method really unique is that there are no moving parts, and nothing to replace-ever; so it could save a client a ton of money in cartridge replacements, not to mention if they have drip irrigation or spray nozzles in their systems.  

Sand Separators may not be the best solution for every case,  but it is truly dizzying just how effectively they can spin a solution for some!