Friday, January 30, 2009

Deadly Water, Corporate Scandals, and Presidential Politics- OH MY!

From Water Tech Online: Water Industry News and Information Clearinghouse

Vote for the top e-News story of 2008
-and with topics like these, you may just have a hard time choosing!
A list of the 10 most popular 2008 WaterTech e-News Daily® stories, based on numbers of readers clicking on them throughout the year, has now been compiled by the staff of WaterTech Online® Web site and the WaterTech e-News Daily electronic newsletter. In a new online poll, readers can now vote for the story among the 10 that they think was “most significant.”

I find it most notable that 3 of the top 10 news stories reported on Pentairthe largest supplier of components and subsystems for the handling, treatment and storage of water.  That, coupled with the news that water is now a $1 Trillion industry... big water is here, folks!

Also of note: the Nestle Waters NA/ Public Works fight over a PSA which promoted tap water over bottled.  Marry that to the Colorado story of deadly salmonilla in tap water...

Of course, stories about President Barack Obama’s attention to water issues also garnered a significant number of clicks.

Log on, click around, connect the dots as you see fit!  Its all fun and games 'long as it keeps flowing!

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